Are we in the midst of a sleep crisis

Is lack of sleep affecting your work?

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You’re not alone. According to sleep experts, too many Britons do not prioritise sleep. “All of us can come up with lots of ways to spend our time that feel ‘better’ to us than getting a good night’s sleep, and we don’t emphasise enough just how important getting the right amount of sleep is to our physical and mental health and wellbeing, and our ability to function at work. On average, Aviva’s data suggests UK adults sleep for six hours per night; below the seven to nine hours sleep recommended by the National Sleep Foundation** and nearly a quarter (23%) sleep for five hours or less each night.

This seemed a big number, until it was mentioned at our Furlearnteer chat group. Suddenly, everyone had an experience to share!

According to the mental health charity MIND, the things that affect our sleep differ for everyone. They can include:

●      stresses or worries – for example, issues with money, housing or work

●      problems with where you sleep – for example, if you sleep somewhere uncomfortable or you're easily disturbed

●      health conditions relating to sleep, also known as sleep disorders

●      being a parent or carer

●      taking medication, including starting or coming off medication

●      recreational drugs and alcohol

●      working at night or being a shift worker

●      current or past trauma

●      mental and physical health problems, many of which can affect your sleep

It is common for managers and colleagues to look at a lack of focus or motivation, irritability and bad decision-making as being caused by poor training, organizational politics or the work environment. The answer could be much simpler – a lack of sleep. 

For some expert advice, hints and tips, listen to our webinar recording with internationally known sleep specialist, also known as The Sleep Guru Alison (Anandi) Francis, who is not only a sleep specialist by studying sleep, but through personal experience with insomnia and sleep disturbance.

Webinar Recording:


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