Build stronger relationships and understand why they are so important

Photo by Belle Co from Pexels

Photo by Belle Co from Pexels

Why do relationships matter?

Relationships provide a sense of connectivity, wellbeing and belonging.  Particularly during challenging times such as the Covid-19 pandemic the need for strong relationships has never been greater.

Having offline relationships with people still matters too and can promote a strong sense of wellbeing. “While online and mobile technologies can provide a means of connecting and can increase our sense of belonging – therefore having a positive impact on our relationships – research suggests that this cannot replace our offline relationships. It is the neurochemical response that occurs during face-to-face interactions that contributes to wellbeing” Source

Relationships underpin our day to day interaction with each other and form a vital foundation for communication.  Almost on a daily basis we are interacting with people and either contributing to existing relationships or forming new ones.

In a Harvard Medical School relationship study conducted in the period from 1939 to 1944 (The Grant Study) they identified what factors made people happy, healthy and long-lived.  The study concluded that having positive relationships with people we love and respect promotes happiness whilst  the opposite is true with toxic relationships having a negative effect on health, life expectancy and happiness.

There are so many different types of relationships spanning business, family, friendship and romantic however each of these can flourish when adopting the tips below:

1. Be an effective listener

Don’t just simply talk at someone, make sure you actually listen to what they are saying.  Wait for them to finish speaking before you respond.

2. Devote quality time

Manage your schedule to make quality time to spend with the person.  You get out what you put it.

3. Ask questions

Instead of assuming you know something about the other person try asking engaging questions to find out more.

4. Express your appreciation

Showing appreciation can go a long way to developing a relationship.  This could as simple as saying thank you

For more advice on how to strengthen your relationships please join us on Thursday 30th July at 11am we will be discussing how we can "Make Relationships Stronger with the amazing -Jessica Reed Robbins" 

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